Thursday 31 January 2013

We have the internet!!

It has been a LONG time since we have had internet at the condo. I am all for no cable but no internet?! That was a bit much for me :) 

And there is even better news... Steven is hopefully coming out on a night pass tonight and may get out of the hospital tomorrow or Saturday. That means my dad should come on Sunday and we should all be driving home on Monday.

Emphasis on the "shoulds" and "hopes" because one thing I've learned is how quickly the plan can change. For now this is really good news. I can't wait to get home. I really miss my dog!

Hope to see everyone soon.

Love Tracy

Monday 28 January 2013

Progress? Release?

Hello again everyone, I have been out on day pass the last couple days. I have been feeling fairly well and it's been nice spending time at the condo with tracy, mum, dad, and of course James. He is starting to find his voice and seems to enjoy blowing raspberries. The Internet connection at the condo has been down for the last few days so tracy is unable to post. The Dr's seem optimistic about me getting out later this week, I'm a bit cautious just to make sure none of my issues will return once I am released. I am slowly trying to build up my strength again, it is surprising how little I can do.  We are all looking forward to getting home to a normal life again. dad and I might 'need' to have another look around Bass PRO shop. Thankyou once again to everyone for all the support, it has been a long tough road and throughout the journey it has been nice to know so many people are in our corner.


Wednesday 23 January 2013

Great Day Yesterday!

Steven came to the condo yesterday for his birthday and we all had a really good visit. I think it was the best day so far for all of us :)

Love Tracy

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Happy 30th Birthday Steven!

After spending his 29th birthday in the hospital I was really hoping Steven would be out by now... however, he is getting out for a visit which is the first time he's had a day pass in quite a while so we are grateful for what we have.

We are ordering pizza, having cake and celebrating with my mom, James, John and Ethel, and Wayne and Elaine.

We are all really missing home. Steven was told yesterday that he has about 10-14 days more to go if everything goes according to plan. My mom will be heading back this week (thank you for everything mom!!!). Yesterday's CT scan showed that his abscess has shrunk considerably. He switched back to oral antibiotics so he is once again without the IV pole. The trick will be taking him off the oral antibiotics which is where we got to last time when we thought he was going home but the infection came back. They will take him off again (hopefully sometime next week) and keep him in the hospital to make sure the infection doesn't return. 

HUGE THANK YOU to Denyse and James who continue to take fantastic care of Tessa (our dog). And a BIG Happy Birthday to Denyse and Jackie :) Wish we were there to celebrate with you - but there will be plenty of  time to celebrate when we get back.

Love Tracy

Friday 18 January 2013

A Bug

Steven is back to a private room as of yesterday - because he has a bug. The antibiotics he is already taking should take care of the bug as well. I think yesterday was a really hard day for him. Doctors try to correct issues the least invasive way possible; however, Steven is wishing they had just gone back in right at the beginning and took care of the issue that keeps causing the infections.

Hindsight is always a little frustrating in these situations. But we just keep going forward.

On a  positive note James continues to sleep through the night :) This morning he took a bottle at 8:30am and then went back to sleep until I woke him at 10:45am! Today is another beautiful sunny day in Calgary and Steven finally has a window to appreciate it. I hope some sunlight will give him a boost.

Love Tracy

Monday 14 January 2013

Infection, again

As I write this blog I cannot help but consider those who may read this in preparation for their own similar surgery. However, we are coming up to 7 weeks in hospital so I think the time for using this as inspiration may have passed. We have to remember the important part which is that even on today's CT scan there is still no sign of cancer.

As far as complications go, infections are more a nuisance than a worry (at least this is what Dr. T says). Steven has had a tube reinserted today and will have a new drain tomorrow. He is tired and sick (and also sick and tired). It has been a long journey and we need to get back on track once again. I try to avoid posting on the bad days and I wish I had better news to report but I feel the need to keep everyone in the loop.

Hoping my next post is much more uplifting.

Our love to all.


Sunday 13 January 2013

The Wait Continues

After a few really good days last week Steven has had a couple of low energy days. He is back on antibiotics today and scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow. So while Dr T told us he would be out Monday or Tuesday of this week it looks like it will be delayed.

Steven is staying positive but is really tired. He doesn't want to leave the hospital until his strength and energy are better.

Love Tracy

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Problems Posting Comments?

I have heard that many have had a problem posting comments on the blog. I have opened up the permission to everyone, so that you don't need a Google account.

If you would like to post a comment, just click on the "comments" link below the specific post, enter what you want to say, and use "anonymous" as the account in the "comment as:" drop down menu.

Hope this helps.



I've finally been paroled for a few hours after 41 days in hospital. It is nice to be out in the normal world. I've feeling good since Friday, before that it was up and down, each day was a bit unpredictable. Many tubes have disappeared and I am only hooked up to the IV twice a day. The doctors, nurses and staff at the hospital have been great. I appreciate all the support everyone has provided over the last six weeks. Thank you.

It looks like I'll be 'released' sometime next week, but nothing is concrete yet. Looking forward to getting home, seeing Tessa, and getting back to our normal routine.

James has grown so much since I went in six weeks ago, he seems so much bigger and has developed quite a bit. It is great to see him in the condo in a normal environment.

that's all for now. I'll post another update when I'm out again.

Thank you for all the support.


Monday 7 January 2013

Good Days

I guess I am a little superstitious because I have been afraid to write this - Steven is doing well. It has been almost 6 weeks and definitely the longest in my life (and even longer for Steven) but finally things are going much better.

Steven went for lunch with me today at the hospital cafeteria. He only needs his medical pole now for antibiotics twice a day and a tube feed at night. He has lost a lot of weight at the hospital (27lbs! if only pregnancy weight came off as quickly) but he has just started to gain some back (3lbs!!).

I feel so happy... aside from my dad's surprise visit this has been the first time I have felt genuinely happy since November 28th. Life will go on and I am just so grateful.

Our love to all.

Friday 4 January 2013

A Much Better Day

Today was a much better day after a really hard day for Steven yesterday. This journey is an emotional rollercoaster for all of us. So it makes sense that with a low of yesterday there would be the high of today.

Hopefully today is the start of better days.

Love Tracy

Wednesday 2 January 2013

A Long Countdown...

Today Steven was told 2 more weeks. Dr. T said that once he leaves the hospital he does not need to stick around Calgary but can head right home which is great news.  He will also get some day passes soon so he can spend some time outside the hospital.

He had his vacuum bandage removed today which means for parts of the day he can be separated from his medical pole entirely! I wheeled him downstairs and he ate lunch in the cafeteria which was a really nice change. Progress continues to be slow but in the right direction.

I think we are both feeling quite hopeful... and really looking forward to the day passes so he can come to the condo and watch a movie - any recommendations?

Love to all.
