Thursday 31 January 2013

We have the internet!!

It has been a LONG time since we have had internet at the condo. I am all for no cable but no internet?! That was a bit much for me :) 

And there is even better news... Steven is hopefully coming out on a night pass tonight and may get out of the hospital tomorrow or Saturday. That means my dad should come on Sunday and we should all be driving home on Monday.

Emphasis on the "shoulds" and "hopes" because one thing I've learned is how quickly the plan can change. For now this is really good news. I can't wait to get home. I really miss my dog!

Hope to see everyone soon.

Love Tracy


  1. Woohoo!! Great news all around! Though, ack, the driving! Careful in the passes! Glad to hear that you guys will be back in BC soon, and getting back to normal. :)

    Apis, Chris and Aiden

  2. Wonderful news. Glad that you guys will be making your way back to the West Coast. I hope that it is sooner rather than later... and you'll know shortly. That fresh, salty, cleansing air is not too far on the horizon.


  3. Great news guys, look forward to seeing you home soon. Don't forget if you need a driver for any reason, let me know.

    Cheers Lance and gals

  4. I am so happy for you folks getting to cuddle up together tonight and enjoy the special little things of a regular evening.

  5. All those "shoulds" and "hopes" will come together, so happy to hear good news from Calgary. :) Cheers Moira

  6. Have a safe trip home - HOME - ahh, that is wonderful news! This is one time that packing will be a joy, I'll bet. Your dog will be so happy to have you all home again, too, I'm sure. Every Tuesday when I drive to QB for exercise class, I look towards your house and think how great it will be for you to be there - this Tuesday when I drive by, I shall wave!
    Love to you all, Claudia

  7. Amazing news! Very happy to hear it! Wishing you all the best and hoping those "shoulds" come through.
    As always, hugs and smiles! (extra big ones today!)
