Monday 28 January 2013

Progress? Release?

Hello again everyone, I have been out on day pass the last couple days. I have been feeling fairly well and it's been nice spending time at the condo with tracy, mum, dad, and of course James. He is starting to find his voice and seems to enjoy blowing raspberries. The Internet connection at the condo has been down for the last few days so tracy is unable to post. The Dr's seem optimistic about me getting out later this week, I'm a bit cautious just to make sure none of my issues will return once I am released. I am slowly trying to build up my strength again, it is surprising how little I can do.  We are all looking forward to getting home to a normal life again. dad and I might 'need' to have another look around Bass PRO shop. Thankyou once again to everyone for all the support, it has been a long tough road and throughout the journey it has been nice to know so many people are in our corner.



  1. Such good news. Keep us posted on date of the big release. In the meantime know you are in our thoughts each and every day. Oh, and one more request....can you please leave the winter weather in Calgary? Don't bring it home with you! James must almost be grown out of the snowsuit now anyway!

  2. Great news Steven. We will be waiting to hear of your release date. All the best to all of you
    Love, Jurgen and Alison

  3. So good to hear you speaking in such a positive way! I, too, want you to know you are in my thoughts everyday! the first thing I do in the morning and last thing at night.. is to check the blog! Looking to see that you are well and coming home. i talked to Joanne and she gives a good report on things there.I love you all so much and can't wait to see how much James has grown. My prayers are with you. Be well Steven. Your strength will come as you start to move around more.Love and hugs, Aunty Donna
